Building on my previous post, I thought I would show how you can build out and manage a working CICD infrastructure with Octopus Deploy. The benefit of Using octopus Deploy is that it will make things very easy and visible.

Show how running can ask for a variable name and then deploy that.

Octopus Deploy Server

Install docker compose

apt update -y && apt upgrade -y
snap install docker
curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

There is a blog post ( by Octopus on this, but it doesn’t include any bind mounts. That means when the container is destroyed, so is your data!!! So let’s fix that.!

Install git too

apt install git

Grab these two files

Amend the .env file and add passwords. Make sure the DB password matches the connection string!

Could be useful: